Plaquette : Regional Action Plan for the Improvement of Irrigated Agriculture in the Senegal River Basin

REGIONAL ACTION PLAN FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF IRRIGATED AGRICULTURE IN THE SENEGAL RIVER BASIN 22 - Constrains to the development of irrigated agriculture Lega l and i nst i tut i ona l const r a i nt s include : (i) land tenure insecurity and the risk of land conflicts; (ii) the structural underdevelopment of rural areas; (iii) the lack of involvement of the populations concerned in decision-making; (iv) the unorderly occupation of irrigable land; (v) the absence or inadequacy of the land law applicable to the specific case and/or its implementation methods; (vi) inadequate water management as well as conflicts over access to water; (vii) the isolation of users from the decision-making centre for water management and the heavy cost of the procedures; (viii) inconsistent interventions and lack of resources from public and private institutions in charge of water; (ix) scattered research and development; and (x) technical inadequacies of OPA and associations. Water constraints relate to (a) knowledge and use of na tu r a l r esou r ces; ( b) development planning (dysfunction, inadequate and high construction costs for development); (c) consolidation and extension of irrigation infrastructure; and (d) water management and maintenance of improvement schemes.