Plaquette : Regional Action Plan for the Improvement of Irrigated Agriculture in the Senegal River Basin

REGIONAL ACTION PLAN FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF IRRIGATED AGRICULTURE IN THE SENEGAL RIVER BASIN 20 - Ongoing Programmes and Projects # Guinea: The (regional) Integrated Water Resou r ces Management /Mu l t i pu rpose Development (IWRM/DUBM) Programme - Phase 2, is the salient irrigation programme in the Guinean part of the SRB. Mali: Aside from phase 2 of the PGIRE/DUBM, the main programmes and projects in progress are the Yelimane Sustainable Development Support Programme phase 2 (PADDY II) and the Kaarta/Séféto Rural Development Project. # Mauritania: the main programmes and projects in progress are the PGIRE/DUBM, phase 2, the R’Kiz Project, the ASSARIGG Project -under the French Development Agency (AFD) Financing and State Projects. # Senegal: Apart from phase 2 of the PGIRE/ DUBM, the main programmes and projects are PRODAM, the Project for the Rehabilitation and Extension of the Matam Project, the Development Project in the Waoundé area, and the Project to Support Agriculture and Economic Development in Podor, the Project to Improve Food Security and Marketing Support in the Matam Region, the Project to Promote Rice Production Partnership in the Senegal River Delta (3PRD), the PDIDAS, the Programme for Increasing Agriculture growth in Senegal (PRACAS), the Community Croplands Programme (PRODAC).