Plaquette : Regional Action Plan for the Improvement of Irrigated Agriculture in the Senegal River Basin

REGIONAL ACTION PLAN FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF IRRIGATED AGRICULTURE IN THE SENEGAL RIVER BASIN 13 the Programme d’Accélération de la Cadence de l’Agriculture Sénégalaise or the Programme for increasing Agriculture growth in Senegal (PRACAS) has been set up. To this end, the Government of Senegal has drawn up the main agricultural orientations carried by the Plan Sénégal Emergent (PSE) for 2035. water sector, wor th mentioning are the Local Water Development Plan (2003), SAED’s mission letters and the Charte du domaine irrigué or the Irigated Farmland Charter (CDI), the main objective of which is to provide a reference framework for the rational use of water and land. In order to achieve its macroeconomic objectives,