Plaquette : Regional Action Plan for the Improvement of Irrigated Agriculture in the Senegal River Basin
REGIONAL ACTION PLAN FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF IRRIGATED AGRICULTURE IN THE SENEGAL RIVER BASIN 11 - Agricultural development policies and strategies and their progress Several policies and strategies have long been conducted to develop the agricultural sector. # Guinea: The national policies that have been implemented have led Guinea to adopt the National Plan for Agricultural Investment and Second Generation Food and Nutritional Security (PNIASAN) (2016-2020), and the National Agricultural Development Policy (PNDA) (2016-2025), currently being finalized, covers the four sub-sectors of agriculture, livestock, fisheries and forestry. # Mali: The overall developments in the agricultural sector were mainly marked, from 1991 onwards, by a significant change in the planning/management process of the agricultural sector. The Agricultural Development Policy (PDA), adopted in 2013, aims to promote sustainable, modern and competitive agriculture, based on Family Farming and Agricultural Professional Organizations. Its action plan is the National Agricultural Sector Investment Programme (PNISA) which focuses on agricultural production and productivity and value chain management. # Mauritania: the policy of promoting a food security policy began in the period 1985-1989. In 2012 Mauritania adopted a Rural Sector Development Strategy (SDSR) and an Agropastoral Orientation Law (LOA) to define its rural development policy. Such strategy is in alignment with the objectives of the Strategy for Accelerated Growth and Shared Prosperity (SCAPP), the National Strategy for Food Security (SNSA), and is consistent with the 4 (four) pillars of the Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme (CAADP). The National Agricultural Development Plan (PNDA) for 2025, aims to consolidate the government’s political will through clearly defined priority actions and investment programmes, as well as to address different issues with a consistent framework of interventions for all the stakeholders involved in the sector.
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