Plaquette : Making the Senegal river navigable - IAGF 6ème session

18 The OMVS can embody modernity, already evident in the organisation's management methods, which could also be applied to the choices made for river transport: the types of boat, port buildings and warehouses, etc., by comb ining energy efficiency and local culture. Several proposais for innovat ions and experiments were made: Produce prototype boats: as a function of the different types of user foreseen (goods, river tourism, etc.) and have this built by the future shipyard of Rosso. Develop an array of experiments to exploit cattail, by involving the local construction sector to build warehouses along the river, schools, etc., capable strengthening the relation between the population and the river. Use the dredged sediments for other purposes (suchas filling the breach, strengthen ing and raising the levees). This could help to reduce the cost of the project and its environmental impact. Integrate start-ups and incubators in the execution of the project. Benefit couId be obtained from the hosting of t he forthcoming World Water Forum in 2019 w ith the organ isation of a hackathon session (an event where a group of voluntary software developers gather and collaborate to produce computer programs. It is a creative process frequently used in digital innovation). Launch a crowdfunding campaign for some of the actions planned in the project (such as the purchase of a pilot boat), in order to favour the appropriation of the project by the neighbouring populations River transport w ill permit the shipment of minerai products and other local goods. However, its economic performance must be considered at the regional and multi-sectorial scale. o Adopt a common vision between the ports of Saint-Louis and Dakar This common vision is vital to ensure synergy between the supply of services and to generate the added value of this project to distingu ish it from other ports and rivers. Account must be taken of the fact that, globally, there is a two-fold phenomenon of ports grouping together - to be more compet itive and invest in new term inais - and of the concentration of shippers. The river-maritime transport market is complicated.