Magazine OMVS 1972 - 2002. 30 years of existence. A successful example of sub regional integration and cooperation in relation to the coordinated and concerted development of a river basin in Africa
The Manantali hydro electric plant Five groups rating each 40 MW corresponding to 200 MW installed capacity. • Generation of 800 GWh/year guaranteed 9 years out of 10. • A network of 1500 km of power transmission fines: to date, ail the member states are connected: Bamako (26 January 2002), Dakar (19 July 2002), and Nouakchott (15 November 2002). (View of the Manantali 5 group-hydro-electri c .... power plant located at the toe of the dam) • Executed in fiber optics technology, the ground cable of these power transmission lines has made possible the interconnection of the thr ee Member States' tele communi cation net wo rks and all ows for the tran sit of 30 ,200 simultaneo us telephone communicat ion links or of 48 TV channels. In addition, interconnected to the transatlantic ocean cable, the OMVS network cons titutes today a nodal point between the southern, eastern and northern reg ions of Africa. 6
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