Magazine OMVS 1972 - 2002. 30 years of existence. A successful example of sub regional integration and cooperation in relation to the coordinated and concerted development of a river basin in Africa
The Charter of Waters and its ann exes on the modul ati on of the optima l man agemen t sce narios ba sed on the e ffective possibilities offered by the ri ver and on its hydrol ogi cal beh aviour. Moderni sed today, the body of legal instruments all ows fo r an adequate frame for susta inable and balanced development of ail types of acti vities whil st see ing to a strict observance of env ironme nta l preser vation Thi s will of the member sta tes for an integrated and sha red managem ent is c lea rly ex pressed in a se ries of programmati c segme nts listed wi thin a g lobal and struc tur ing frame . A chievements of a programme Th e implementation of the programme is aimed at meeting l'ive strateg ie challen ges, namel y : o food security for the populations living in the basin area and even in the sub reg ion; o preservation of the equi librium of ecosystem s in the sub-region and parti cul arly in the basi n; o reduction of the vulnerability of Member States' eco nomies vis-à-vis climatic unce rta inties as we il as exogenous variabl es; o sec ur ing and improvement of the income of populations living in the basin o accel eration of economie development in the member sta tes . To thi s end , the Senegal Ri ver Development Organi sati on initi ated a number of ac tiv ities in va rious field s, such as: r:JF The implementation of a first generation Regional Infrastructure; The Manantali Dam Function and objectives • Storage capacity of Il .3 billi on m-' • Regulari sation of river flows at 300 m 3/ s • Contribution to the development of irrigated crops • Sustainable navigability of the river • Gen eration of 800 GWH/year 5
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