Magazine OMVS 1972 - 2002. 30 years of existence. A successful example of sub regional integration and cooperation in relation to the coordinated and concerted development of a river basin in Africa
A multi-variable space-time geographic context D raining a catchment basin that co vers sorne 300,000 Km 2 , the Senegal River is formed by the confluence of the Bahfing and the Bahkoye at Bahfulabeh . Its main tributary, namely the Bahfing, rises in the Futah Jallon Mountains, North-East Mamou (Rep. of Guinea) . After a ISO Km course, it receives the intlows of the Teneh river, crosses the foothills of the Futah Jallon and then flows through the mandingo plateau. As for the Bahkoye, it originates from the northern border of the Siguiri basin and incises in the mandingo plateau after receiving the intlows of the Baouleh rivulet. Thus forrned, the Senegal River crosses the last sandstone shelves of the mandingo plateau through the falls of Felou and Gouina. At the level of Kayes it receives: • on its right bank: the Karahkoro, the Oued Ghorfa, the Niordeh, the Gorgol and the Kolornbineh whose main inflows originate from the massif located between Bahfulabeh and Nioro du Sahel; • on its left bank: the Falemeh formed by the confluence of the Bahlin-Ko and the Kundah- Ko . To sum up , the Senegal River is formed by the confluence of an important hydrographical network o f rive rs and its main tributaries, (Bahfing, Bahkoye and Fa le rn eh) rise ail in humid tropical region s. Therefore, it is an allogenous water course insofar as the greater part of the basin is located upstream Bakel in a guinean and/or soudano-guinean region. ln such context, the hydrologie regime is by far more contingent upon rainfalls in the upper ba sin than upon the stringent and harsh conditions of sejni-arid and arid regions through which it flows before reaching the Atlantic Ocean . The river regime is characterized by: • A period of high water flows that takes place between july and october, and • A season of low water flows , that decreases regularl y l'rom november to June. Allogenous in its middle and lower valleys as weil as in its delta, the Senegal Ri ver flows through a harsh and coerciti ve env ironment marked by seanty, scarce and uncertain rainfalls. In this connection , it is the deep conce rn to better manage this hydraulic pot en tial that gove rned the whole process of hurnan occupation of the Senegal River alluvial valley which in turn , ha s been a colonial inland penetration route and a production zone in our modern and present era. The establishment of the OMVS in 1972 constitutes the result of a long maturation process. Retrospective view or historical background The Senegal River Dev elopment Organisation is the result of a long series of development attempts dating back to the colonial era. Thi s rich and enriching process has go ne through important milestones with namely : r:rr The publishing by the colonial authority in 1802 of an Agricultural Colonisation Plan of the Senegal river basin; r:rr The initiation in 1861 of partial navigation Studies; r:rr The establishment in 1927 of the Union Hydro-Electrique Africaine UHEA (African Hydro-Electric) r:rr The establishment in 1934 of the Mission d'Etudes et d'Aménagement du fleuve Senegal - MEAF (Studies and Development Mission of the Senegal River); r:rr The establishment in 1938 of the Mission d'Aménagement du Fleuve Senegal - MAS (Senegal River Development Mission); r:rr In 1959, the MAS became a common structure for the three newly autonomous states, namely: Mali, Mauritania and Senegal; r:rr The setting up in 1963 of the Inter-States Committee grouping Guinea, Mali, Mauritania and Senegal; r:rr The establishment in 1968 in Labe (Republic of Guinea) of the Senegal River Riperian States Organisation (OERS); r:rr The establishment of the OMVS in 1972. Thi s long process that has lasted over a century reflects today the so lid ity of the institutions, the efficiency of the legal and regul atory frame as weil as the globally positive achievernents of the Organisation.
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