Magazine OMVS 1972 - 2002. 30 years of existence. A successful example of sub regional integration and cooperation in relation to the coordinated and concerted development of a river basin in Africa

2 We have not been alone in this venture. If we have come thus far, it is also thanks to the support of our partners in development, cornpanions of yore and the present day. Trust and belief in what we are doing have allowed us to make the best of our resources and strengths. They have made possible the emergence of a new form and frame of partnership which, in my opinion, is by far, more constructive, modern and adapted. This is also the message of the OMVS Conference of Heads of State and of Government, an incommensurate pillar of our Organisation. Furthermore, it is for us a real motive of pride and satisfaction that the relentless struggle waged worldwide and aimed at placing at the core of the concerns of human kind the complex problematics of river basin organisations allowed us to be concurrently a member of the International Network of basin Organisations (lNBO), of the International Network of Transfrontier Basin Organisations (INTBO) and of the African Network of Basin Organisations (ANBO) whose Permanent Technical Secretariat is hosted and ensured by the OMVS. Meeting this expectation is to further our experience and, above aIl, to contribute to the emergence of shared understanding. Now therefore, prospective vision is a constant, fruitful, evolving and dynamic imagination: it is a struggle between ends and means; here lies the very essence of the complex nature of multi- / SRB Project shall eminently be the operational instruments towards achieving such a will. The utiliration of these tools shall be made ail the more efficient with our policy designed to consolidate ail sustainable and collectively shared managementframeworks. It is within these [rameworks that our Organisation constc: ntly draws its strength through the synergy o] ail ils operational statutory and / or consultative segments. Our whole prospective vision is based on consultation and an iterative approach that ensure their legitimacy . In this respect, it shall be noted that we have not been alone 1I1 this venture. If we have come thus [ar; it is also thanks to the support q{ our partners in development, companions ofyore and the present day. Trust and belief in what we are doing have allowed us to m~lke the best of our resources and strengths. They have made possible the emergence of a newform and frame ofpartnership which, in my opinion, is byfar; more constructive, mod~rn and a,dapted. , This is also the message of the OMVS Conference of Heaqs of State and o] Government, an incotnmensurate pillar oj our Organisation . Furthermore, il is {or us a real motive ojpride and satisfaction that the relentles.~· struggle waged worldwide and aimed at placing at the core o] the concerns of human kind the complex problematics of river basin organisations allowed us. to l~e concurrentlv a member of the International Network oj basin Organisations (INBO), ' of the International fIIetwork. of Transfrontier Basin Organisations (INTBO) and oj the African Network of Basin Organisations (ANB 0) whose Permanent Technical Secretariat is hosted and ensured by the OMVS. . Not withstanding, honourable as this picture may be, many a challenge still to be met lie ahead. In this regard, at its december 2002 session held in Dakar, th~ Council of Ministers, noting the [act that our CO~l1mon Organisation was at a decisive turning P~)Ù1t,. made ~ ch(){c~f(~r a resolute orientation towards modernity, innovation whithin . continuity and profesionalisation of ail the OMVS structures. MEETING EXPECTATIONS In connection with the [oregoing. the OMVS High Commission will spare no e.f/orts to itnplement the decisions of its higher authorities, insofar as the OMVS represents Hope and Future for the populations ofthe space bearing the The Manantali regional electric power network lias gtven rtse to hope; it is the responsibility of each and every body to .contrihute to and make this hope and dream come tru e, motivated and tangible. . Meeting this expectation is to further our experience and, above ail, to (~ontribute to the emergence ojshared understanding. Now therefore, prospective vision is a constant, fruitful, evolving and dynamic imagination: it is a struggle between en~s an~l means; here lies the very essence ofthe complex nature o] multi– purpose river projects. Mohamed Salem Ould MERZOUG OMVS High Commissioner