Magazine OMVS 1972 - 2002. 30 years of existence. A successful example of sub regional integration and cooperation in relation to the coordinated and concerted development of a river basin in Africa

Water Resources and Environment Management Programme of the Senegal River Basin Strategie objective: To set up a participatory strategie environmental frame aimed at en suring an ecologically sustainable development of the Senegal River basin and to initiate a basi n-wide cooperative programme through a tran sboundary management of water and land resources . Components: • Environmental management capacity building • Management of data and knowledge • Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis and Strategie Action Plan • Micro financing Programme - Priority actions • Public Participation Programme TOWARDS A CONCERTED MANAGEMENT OF THE BASIN Efficiency, sustainability, sustained preservation of natural re sources and harmoniou s developmen t should be carried out throughout the basin based on concerted management and the invol vement. of the various economie actors. In this respect, the Sene gal river Charter of Waters guarantees rights to: - Representati ves of water users, - Representatives of territorial communities, - Non Governmental Organisations, and - Representatives of decentralised management committees . The Senegal River Waters Development and Management Master Plan (SDAGE) as weil as the Strategie Action Plan (SAP) whieh is currently being elaborated will help: - Initiate a basin-wide controlled planning of the development process , - Work on the basis of action Programmes - Impulse a development thrust through the periodic revision of the SDAGE and SAP - Ensure greater involvement of ail stakeholders in the ba sin through the Nati onal Coordination Committees (CNCs) and the Local Coordination Committees (CLCs). Today, weil established technical experience, solid institutions, stability and safe economie environment hare created the necessary conditions for environmental preserv ation soci al pro gress and promotion of the private sector, a fundamental primemover for growth in present day glo balised economy. I l