Magazine OMVS 1972 - 2002. 30 years of existence. A successful example of sub regional integration and cooperation in relation to the coordinated and concerted development of a river basin in Africa

Observatory of the environment Objectives: To evaluate, monitor, follow-up, disseminate and exchange data on the state of the environment in the ri ver basin. Setting up of thi s transversal structure will allow not only to eradicate and/or correct environnemental impacts but also to produce unequalled decision-making tools. 1 Hydrology Hydrogcology j Pedology Agric ulture ' livestock Surface wa ters 1( gro unwater "d eg rada tion o f soils ' hyd ro-agricultu ral ~ anima l hea lth ale 1 Schemes Fishe ries Eco logy , Climato logy ! Hygiene Demogr aph y Sea resources » Na ture \ Geomorphology [ hum an health E soc ial and ec onomie Il ! co nse rva tion l Desertification " 1. de velop ment ue ---1---:--- 1 , Beseline Data collection 1 , Beseline Data transmission e Data collectors rs CNC CLC 10 1 , Archiving and processing of Data - - -,- - ENV IRONMENTAL 1 _ PARMETERS ux r -- ------r-- - , Transmiss ion of processed data 1 , Processing and formatting of Primary indicators 1 ----,--- ENVIRON MENTA L .L_ _ INDICATORS \ UX 1 . Data producers Secti on o f Observatory rrs Ministries Concerned Dissem ination of environmental ~re monitoring results (feedback information, advance warn ing process ) al el