Magazine OMVS 1972 - 2002. 30 years of existence. A successful example of sub regional integration and cooperation in relation to the coordinated and concerted development of a river basin in Africa
The environmental impact mitigation and monitoring programme (PASIE) Strategie objectives: to control, mitigate and correct the impacts of the first phase programme through a series of actions co-financed by the World Bank, the African Development Bank, the French and Canadian Cooperation Ministries. AIl of these actions are listed under a global strategy for the protection and preservation of the environment. COMPONENTS: • The Energy Project Impact Mitigation and Construction Works Monitoring Programme - Monitoring of construction works - Monitoring and protection during operation phase • The Unes and Stations right-of-way Appropriation Programme - Expropriations - Resettlement and facilitation procedures - Compensations - Appropriation State owned lands - Field mission of government agents - Technical /administration support • The reservoir Management Optimisation Programme - Flood optimisation - Reservoir downstream ecosystem - Ecosystem of reservoir - Costs / Benefits study and backstop to Charter of Waters study - Communication System / Early Warning Plan • The Environmental Health Programme - Feasibility study of Health Pilot Pprojects - Implementation of Health Pilot Projects - Study of the Manantali reservoir fluctuation - Elaboration and follow -up of the Regional Health Plan • The associated measures - Promotion of Rural Electrification - Poverty Control Projects - Promotion and Development of the Felou and Gouina Projects • The Monitoring and Coordination Programme - Steering Committee - The Observatory of the Environment / Data bases - CLC/CNC and participation arrangements - Advisory Group - Environmental Action Plan / Code of the Environment - Health/Environment Coordination - Limnology Unit. 9
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