Magazine OMVS 1972 - 2002. 30 years of existence. A successful example of sub regional integration and cooperation in relation to the coordinated and concerted development of a river basin in Africa
Navigable channel and port infrastructures MAURITANIE = t 8 i or ...J ocre chrome , sable ntarafère grenat :. pfcspretes .J arçaes _ • • artapulqrte 91fhe 0 100 200 fer .J baf'"tlne ~ uraraœn U bauote sel J calcaires U marbre dlaffic'1nt /X; tourbe kaolin Kilomètres Navigable Clianne l materialised in white and niining potent ials in the River Basin • Development and beaconing of some 905 km runrung between Saint-Lou is (Senega1) and Ambidedi (Ma li) ; • Construction of a sea - river port at Saint-Loui s; • Construction of a river terminal port at Ambidedi; as weIl as its commercial hub-port ; • construction of nine (9) places of cali of whi ch : * on the right bank: Rosso, Bogh e, Kaedi and Gouraye, and '" on the left bank: Richard Toll , Podor, Matam, Dagana and Bakel. Seven (7) out of these nine place s of cali will be co nstructed in the course of the first phase. r:ir Th e programme also incl ud es the execution of actions for the management and th e preservation of the environment.
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