Kyoto 3rd WorldWater Forum 16 - 24 March 2003. A General contribution by yhe OMVS High Commissioner
o Definit ion of the legal status of the river / lake organisation (whereby it is declared a space or territory stared by the riparian states ); determination of a solid , coherent, innovative, structuring and flexible legal and institutional frame ; defin ition of a joint action programme'that presents for each country the actual and measurable profits commensurate with the cost and charges allocated to each , stakeholder ; cleary defined joint and indivisible ownership of projects and / or structures constructed on the shared water course. WHAT EXPECTATIONS ? For the purpose of a better governance . the history of our Organisation authorises us to endorse the "Ten commandments" proposed by the International Network of Basin Organizations of which we are also a member. It is our opinion that the kyoto Forum should , strategically speaking , lead up to c1early beacon the following objectives that articulate on : The formu lation of a basin-wide inclusive frame together with an innovating and devolopment-conducive Action– Plan. The formulation of financing strateg ies for on-go ing or already implemeted strateg ie Act ion Plans as is the case with the Senegal river ; The defin ition of c1ear muti-annual pledges by the donor community whereby they commit to support the ambitious programmes worked out. o Based on the foregoing and an efficient programmatic approach , support to basin organisations turns out to be a must in relation to the rational management of natural ressources and the strife to ensure higher well-being to human kind . Mohamed Salem Ould MERZOUG OMVS HIGH COMMISSIONER
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